September 18, 2024
Composers Showcase Line-up
The Composers:
Cam Elise | Doug Elliott | Joey Melotti | Lazaro Menezes |
Richard Oberacker | Peter Pavonne | Steph Payne | Danica Ruiz |
Kiara Sasso | Hal Savar | Emily Stinnett | Keith Thompson |
Mark Vogel | Luisa Wilson | Nell Witherspoon | |
And More!! | | | |
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Tony Arias | Paul Bradley | Karalyn Clark | Jason Collins |
Sean Driscoll | Ashlee Grubbs | Nick Katopodis | Adrian Madamba |
Rashida Makeda | Luke Martin | Madison Morseburg | Gret Menzies |
Amanda Lee Myers | Christine Hudman Pardy | | |
And More!! | | | |
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The Players:
Jacob Chidester | Mark Ferratt | James Harvey | Denny Hechevarria |
Josh Jones | Steven Lee | Wes Marshall | Don Meoli |
Kevin Mullinax | Nate Peterson | John Pollock | Eric Sande |
Mert Sermet | John Summers | Eric Tewalt | Geri Thompson |
And More!! | | | |
Check Back for Updates! | | | |
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The Team:
Stage Managers: | Jay Alger | Justin Lex | Lauren Rasmussen |
| Erica Santucci | | |
Lighting: | Steven Mack |
Sound: | Kevin Ruschmann | Darrin Capps |
Video and Live Stream: | C&E Productions LLC | Eric Paprotny | Cole Becker |
Associate Producer: | Will Adamson |
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